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 \ Marvin's Song

Marvin's Song

Synopsis: While slouched in a toilet cubicle drunk and half asleep in the bar where
he works as a musician, a woman gives Marvin a request to write a song. It turns out
to be from his wife who has been dead twelve months. The next few days of his life
are spent trying to come to terms with his grief, to reevaluate and take stock of what
he has and needs. Friends and rivals help him to make his decisions. Marvin's Song
is an existential love story of loss and grief set against an Industrial Landscape.

Written and Directed by first time feature filmmaker Stephen Murphy with wonderful
nuanced performances from leads Leon Florentine (Shameless, No Angels) and
Gemma Deerfield (Mystery Files, The Kindness of Strangers). With fine support from
Jack Marsden (The Cops, Raining Stones), Martin Cosgrif (Juliet Bravo) and a
scene-stealing comic turn from Paul Murphy. The original soundtrack is written and
performed by Barney Williams (Milltown Brothers, The Barney Williams Trio Grande).
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