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Viaway is a missing link

This is Masha and Jack, they only recently met.

Masha is from Russia.
Jack is from the United States.

Masha misses watching her favorite Russian TV channels.

Jack misses watching his American action flicks.

During their second date they tried to watch some TV. But the constant ads and limited variety led to a bad date.

Disappointed, Masha remembered recommendation from a friend:

“Try Viaway. Simply install the application on your Smart TV, Blu-ray player or tablet and start watching. Viaway gives you entertainment from all around the world!”

The next night, Masha and Jack tried Viaway and were able to browse hundreds of live TV channels, thousands of movies and shows in their own languages. What a fun date!

Viaway is that missing link between international entertainment and viewers, just like you, from around the world.

Jack and Masha now married and have kids. Their kids watch their favorite cartoons from Russia.

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Viaway is a missing link between international entertainment and viewers around the world