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Lost World of Mr Hardy

"Once upon a time, two brothers from a tiny town in the far north of England, set out to make fishing tackle. Their wares captured more than just fish. Soon they had won the hearts and minds of fishing maharajahs, film stars and royalty the world over. Their names were William and JJ Hardy.

With their genius, devotion, and innovative marketing they would conquer the world. They grew an army of craftsmen and the family firm of Hardy's has been synonymous with the best in fishing ever since. That was more than 130 years ago and how the world has changed!

Today “Mister Jim” is how the employees address Jim Hardy, last of the family to work for Hardy's and now retired. Take an incredible journey with Mr. Jim back over a golden era of angling, using unbelievable film from the Hardy archives over nearly a century, when rivers really did seem stuffed with salmon. Hear from the master craftsman and share their pride in a time and place when making handmade fishing tackle really was something special, something to celebrate. And then ponder the question, is this golden age really a lost world? Could it ever happen again..."

Director: Heike Bachelier, Andy Heathcote
Producer: Heike Bachelier, Andy Heathcote
Actors: Jim Hardy, John Mullock, Mark Terry, Ivor Davies, Edward Barder, Chris Lythe, Neil Freeman, Jon Ward-Allen
Lost World of Mr Hardy