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Housing in America

Housing in America

Housing in America will inform you on the factors influencing the market and the demand for future housing itself. We'll discuss the causal factors and issues that have led to the current state of the housing market and what needs to happen to restore the public's faith in housing and enforce its importance to our society. We will help you to be better informed on how to preserve home ownership and stop any pending foreclosure through loan modifications or other legal steps, and we will share the latest trends in product design, features and lifestyle amenities. You'll be made aware of new technologies that will influence housing in the future such as social networking, internet marketing, "green" building, etc. We'll feature discussions with industry experts and leaders that might have opposite view points on a variety of topics facing prospective homebuyers today. Housing in America is broadcast live every Monday at 2 PM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel.
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