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Billy Was A Deaf Kid

The classic, I hate your guts, no wait, I like you, my brother is deaf, let’s ride a couch down the street, love story.

Billy is Archie’s brother. Archie loves Billy. Billy is deaf. Archie finds a toy microphone to cure Billy’s deafness. Sophie thinks it’s stupid. Sophie is Archie’s girlfriend. Archie loves Sophie. Sophie isn’t quite sure about Archie. Archie, Billy and Sophie find that the world is much more complicated than simple sentences. Can relationships rely solely on riding couches through automatic carwashes? Is a toy microphone the cure to deafness? And which is worse, getting slapped or getting spit on? These turn out to be very important questions in the lives of Archie, Sophie and Billy. And finding the answers come at a high price.

If all else fails, duct tape a toy microphone to your head.

Director: Rhett Lewis, Burke Lewis
Producer: Ben Spackman, Brent Burnett
Actors: Rhett Lewis, Candyce Foster, Zachary Christian
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